OUR Services

Pre – Press

Pre-Press, the heart of the printing production process, is a critical stage that requires automation, a high level of responsiveness and reliability. We are the only centralised pre-press facility in the country that offers quality pre-press services to newspapers using an outsourced business model..

It is the strength of our customer service which really is the attraction for anyone dealing with us.

Put simply, we are Newspaper People
– and we care!


The Celtic Media Printing Plant offers an endless supply of top quality services that enables it to compete with the best in Ireland. The print plant is a modern production facility, which was opened in 2001, with the capability to produce up to a 128 page Tabloid Newspaper, in one pass of the press running at speeds of up to 30,000 copies per hour. As well as the six independently owned regional weekly titles, our contract printing customer portfolio also includes the Trinity Mirror titles which run 7 nights a week.


CMG are Publishers of 5 leading cover price newspapers – dating back to 1828 – and a quality free newspaper. We are multi-platform publishers – across print and web – with a combined total readership of 211,000 every week. We are magazine publishers in print and digital for a number of clients including the Racing Post.


Through developing our online presence & constant engagement with the public we firmly believe it has strengthened each of our publication’s brands and is a factor in helping to increase their credibility amongst our print readers. In the space of 10 years our audience has grown to over 8million web visitors, 25million page views and almost 300,000 social media followers.



As a significant regional publishing group, supporting local is at the core of what we do. To celebrate local businesses and people we are delighted to organise and run several events around the country each year. These events cover Style, Business & Sport and have been running for over 10 years. They have become a staple in the calendars of our local business and sports people every year. As well as our own events, we also consult on a number of external events for clients and Newspaper bodies.